Monday, September 22, 2008

Mashup Assignment

For your news discussion blog post due this week on September 26th, instead of finding a news article, you need to find a mashup. Either "embed" the mashup into your blog post or provide a link of some sort. Then write your thoughts on this mashup. You may want to write about how it works, how easy it is to use, whether or not it's useful, or how it fits with Web 2.0 ideas. Here's the link that I showed in class for examples of mashups: Programmable Web

I enjoyed talking about Web 2.0 with you all today. You can e-mail me if you have any questions at

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Welcome to the News Discussion blog for IMS 201: Information Studies in the Digital Age.

Your news discussions are due every Friday by midnight. You are to submit an entry of 100 words to your own blog that discusses (not just summarizes) the news article you chose. You are also strongly encouraged to comment on each other's entries. For details on this assignment, please see